• Sora means “sky” in Japanese. Yoi means “twilight” so I wanted to come up with a name that complimented this. Sora, or the sky, is expansive and open, and I hope that is what you feel from our time together.

  • Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I/II Training with Jessika Harrison of The Awakened Soul.

  • My Human Design training has not been formal, but intuitive. I’ve learned from online courses through Pure Generators, Blueprint - Claire Jones, Yvonne Chung, The Design of You and many other sources online. I am mostly self-taught through books, online tools, friends, podcasts, youtube and Instagram. I am grateful to all of the Human Design teachers and mentors out there that have graciously shared information that has allowed me to learn this system.

  • I have worked in higher education and the art world my entire life. I’ve had the experience of working my way up in a career, pursuing a master’s degree and achieving that VP title. However, my most fulfilling experiences have been in developing leadership skills, guiding students into higher education and helping to mentor people along the way.

about sora holisitc

Hi, I’m Yoi. I’ve been wanting to share my healing journey with others for quite some time now. This incredibly long road included many stops along the way, experimenting with different modalities, healers, practices - both traditional and spiritual, eastern, western and everything in between. My philosophy is, when you’re in pain, no matter what kind of pain that is, you just want to feel relief.

In January of 2023, right after spiral fracturing my ankle after a freak dog walking accident, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This diagnosis was a long time coming after two years of visiting different specialists, healers and experimenting with various modalities of treatment to address my chronic pain, migraines, IBS, TMJ, anxiety and other symptoms. If you’ve suffered for a long time with with various symptoms with no relief like me, you’ve probably asked yourself is my anxiety what’s causing this or is my illness causing my anxiety? It had been so long since I felt symptom free, that I was starting to wonder what a healthy, anxiety and stress free life felt like. I was consumed by finding out what was wrong with me. Luckily, I found some people that really listened to everything I was experiencing, both mentally and physically, exploring beyond just my symptoms to dig down deep to what was really troubling me. The mind and body are truly linked and while I realized that prior to my diagnosis, it became much more clear when I recognized what was happening…that all of my unprocessed trauma, my ancestral trauma stored in my DNA and the general anxiety of the pandemic had come to a head.

“Your issues are stored in your tissues,” someone along the way told me. And it’s true. When we don’t allow ourselves to feel our emotions, we don’t process them. Years of sweeping my trauma under the rug - my parent’s divorce, the loss of my surrogate mothers, my dad’s suicide, ex-husband’s alcoholism and eventual death - had caught up with me. I had gone to therapy for years, but what my mind had processed, my body had not. My body was physically breaking down and making it almost impossible for me to get through a workday, but also too pained to sleep.

I was googling and searching for answers every night, which led me to less sleep and more stress. I sought out every type of healer that could possibly help me that was in my budget. A series of instagram rabbit holes led me to a healing group and the facilitator introduced me to Human Design for the first time. Discovering that I am a manifesting generator was life changing for me. It made me realize that I hadn’t felt passion for my work in a long time. I was actually feeling the effects of a very long period of burnout, which sacral beings can stay in for much longer than other types because of their energy. The more I learned, the more things clicked. I didn’t need to look at myself as a failure. Now I could see that as part of my profile as a 3/5, I am someone who is meant to learn by doing, experimenting and failing. I passed along my knowledge to anyone that would listen and finally felt a ping of excitement and joy that I hadn’t for a long time. What if I could do this as a part of my career?

The Japanese tradition of Reiki has long been something in my awareness. The first time I had reiki, I was 20 or so and it was performed on me by my mom, who I no longer have a connection to. It was perhaps this negative association that prevented me from being more curious about reiki until 20 years later. In the midst of feeling like regular massages and acupuncture just weren’t cutting it, I decided to add-on reiki at the suggestion of my healer. I wasn’t expecting much, to be honest, but I was so desperate to feel better. What happened next was eye opening and marked another significant turning point. I had profound visions; I felt incredible sensations and that was just the tip of the iceberg. The visions that my healer saw added to my awe of this powerful tool. I felt like I had an internal shower and that my body had been renewed. The effects of reiki were feelings that I wanted to feel more frequently than the once a month I could find time to book a session, so I looked into reiki training after learning that I could treat myself.

With the help of my excellent Rheumatologist, a great acupuncturist, chiropractor, physical therapists, reiki practioners, therapists, sound healers, a supportive partner, an emotional support dog, a personal coach and the kindness of friends and chosen family, I’m now on a healthier path to recovery and excited to share with others what I’ve learned.

“Yoi's sage words and guidance came at the perfect time. I was in the process of a big move and in flux. Her reading was spookily accurate and dead on and gave me reassurance that I was on the right path. It left me wanting more!”

— Tito, New York, NY

some things to know about my process

Dialogue and exchange

Listening is an important part of the process. So is sharing my experience if it’s relevant. Unlike traditional forms of therapy, there will be two way conversations. I assume that you’re coming to see me because my experimentation on my own healing journey was something that you felt connected to.


Your human design chart reading and/or reiki experience will be most fulfilling if you approach it with an open heart and open mind. The way that some of us were raised in the U.S. does not leave room for spiritual practices outside of organized religion. The commodification of wellness and the appropriation of eastern medicine practices in the west has also led to misconceptions and misunderstandings. If you have questions at any time, please ask so we can make you feel as comfortable as possible with this experience.


It’s important to me that you feel safe working with me as we will be opening up parts of you that may have remained hidden for various reasons. The depth of which we go into certain topics is entirely up to you. I also want to emphasize that I am not a trained medical professional or therapist, but I encourage you to have one to address issues that come up related to your physical or mental health. I am happy to refer you to practioners that I know or direct you to appropriate resources.


Part of becoming attuned to reiki is the opening up of psychic intuition. Sometimes things may be presented to me while doing a treatment or a reading that I will share with you if you are open to hearing it. I will always ask you before sharing. It will often not make sense to me, but will make sense to you.


For every human design chart that I pull, I spend on average at least one hour analyzing your chart, studying the different components of it and putting some helpful notes for you into a Google doc that I share with you at the end. I feel it’s important to note the labor and love that goes into my readings beyond our face to face time on Zoom.

confidentiality and personal info

Your personal info, such as date of birth, birth time and location is required in order to pull an accurate human design chart. Please know that this information is kept confidential and secure. Also, anything we speak of is strictly confidential unless you have approved and given consent. If you have questions about why this information is necessary, please feel free to reach out to me.

Diversity, equity and inclusion statement

Communities of color are the least likely to have access to pay for offerings such as Reiki and Human Design, but because of systemic racism and the oppressive systems that we live under in the United States, they are the ones that most need it. For that reason, I have implemented a scaled pricing structure that I hope makes these services more accessible. If these rates are not in your reach and you identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ or with another marginalized community, please reach out to me and I will see what I can do.

The Human Design system was founded by a white man, Ra Uru Hu, but incorporates elements of ancient systems like the I-Ching, Hindu-Brahmin Chakras and The Tree of Life from the Zohar/Kabbalist tradition. The appropriation of these systems and their incorporation into Human Design, might not sit well with all folx. When I first started to learn about Human Design, I wondered why all of the information out there was being taught by white teachers. I dug deeper and luckily was able to find BIPOC who were learning the system and adapting it to meet a non-white lens. There are aspects of Human Design that don’t directly resonate with me as a person of color (even considering the privilege that I recognize I have as an asian american), however, there are enough aspects that I can connect with that intrigue me to keep learning more but with a lens of that awareness. Some of the language and the approaches to the system can be altered based on your personal beliefs, that is how I approach it because that’s what feels right to me. I recommend that you read, Your Soul Map: Liberation, Human Design, and the BIPOC Experience by Asha D. Ramakrishna and Aycee Brown, who have explained the history of this in far greater depth and accuracy than I could. I greatly appreciate them for adding important BIPOC commentary into the field of Human Design.